Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sports/Action more details

Runner up video
Name of photographer- Alyssa Schukar
General focus of portfolio- Eating disorders
3 problems that the judges note- Same lens used, each picture has the same emotions shown, and the same distance.
2 things the judges like- The blue and grey background in the alley in the Caribbean photo, and the girl who fell over the hurdle with only the opponents legs showing.
My overall impression- I thought this video was okay, it could’ve been a lot better, the pictures all kind of looked the same and showed the same emotions.  Funky angles and lighting would’ve been better.
Winner video
Judges strengths- The bowtie picture color and composition, everyone in the basketball picture is doing something, the bubbles picture was cool, photographer is right in the middle of the photos.
What I see as strengths and weaknesses- I like how the photographer got close to his subjects, the background of the football picture is plain and simple, the emotions on the basketball girls faces, too much photo shop on the pitcher picture.
Contest recap video
The process the judges went through to pick a winner- Had to go through everyone’s portfolios and describes the strengths and weaknesses of every photo, describes the stories of the portfolios, and evaluates the comparison of the stories to the photos.

Part 2 individual images
Photo that you agree with judges on and explain why you and the judges do or do not like it- I agree with the judges on the boxing photo in the part 1 category action because I like the action and the referee standing in the background makes the photo even better. The cropping is good and the action is good.
Photo that you don’t agree with the judges on and explain why you think the judges are wrong- I think the 3 baseball squares photo in the part 2 category no pro/ no college was really interesting to look at and there’s different kinds of action in each photo, it’s like a timeline of events happening. I don’t agree with the judges saying it’s boring.

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